My baby turned 1 today. Well, technically yesterday. We partied today due to it being a Saturday and, well, let's face it, the only sunny day we'll be seeing for a while. *sigh* How can it be?! Sometimes I want her to stay little forever, but since it cannot be, we might as well eat cake. And oh, what a cake! Here are a few scene's from the happy day.

A few of the party guests.

The Birthday Girl!!

See what I mean! A.MA.ZING. And it tasted great too. Made specially for Isla by the talented and lovely Jenn Bradshaw. Thanks Jenn!!

Cassie came to celebrate and brought Isla the biggest, most ginormous bear she could find. Seriously. It's huge.

I don't think she minds!
What a year!! It went too fast. We fall more in love with this little woman every day. Happy Birthday sweetheart!!