I told you there would be more. Here is the 'cheese' face in all it's glory. Oh, man, could they get any cuter?
Point those toes girl! This is Christmas Eve. Can't you just see the excitement building?

The girlies got to splash around and play in the tub on Christmas Eve in preparation for the obligatory matching pajama's on Christmas Eve photo.
Obligatory matching pajama's on Christmas Eve photo.
They were all pretty cranky by the time this photo was taken, so we gave them each a candy cane and cup of hot chocolate and made them shovel the walks before bed, just to give them all that extra little Christmas push over the edge. They must have had sweet dreams though, because in the morning?
Okay, brace yourselves. Wait for it.........
Alas, all good things must come to an end. And so, we celebrated the exit of a miraculous and wonderful 2010 in true fashion by getting all dolled up and going out on the town, I mean,
sitting on our couch in our sweats with our eyelids propped open watching an ancient Dick Clark count down to midnight (I swear he was out of breath and barely made it to 0) eating artichoke dip and cupcakes until we were sick, and climbing into bed by 12:10 am. Happy New Year!
sitting on our couch in our sweats with our eyelids propped open watching an ancient Dick Clark count down to midnight (I swear he was out of breath and barely made it to 0) eating artichoke dip and cupcakes until we were sick, and climbing into bed by 12:10 am. Happy New Year!
This year Isla has resolved to getting over her fears. First up, Dogs...
I never thought my kids looked Latino until I saw that picture with their 2 super blond/white cousins :)