December brought us thankful hearts and many sweet moments. The first week in December we were sealed as a family for time and all eternity in the Bountiful, Utah Temple. We felt all shiny and new when we came out, a complete family. It was the best way to start the holiday season...EVER.

Isla discovered the joys of twinkle lights on her first Christmas tree. The ornaments provided the motivation needed for crawling and she's been moving faster than me ever since.

Sweet baby girl was also blessed by her dear daddy in December and got to wear her pretty white dress again. She glowed in front of the tree.

Isla also discovered the joys of solid food this month. Well, playing in it at least.

We went to the lights at Temple square, beautiful as always. Here is Ben and Isla waiting to go see the lights while mommy wandered around Anthropologie, aimlessly wishing for EVERYTHING while smelling random candles and looking at knick knacks. Do they look bored?

It was sooo cold! Isla was toasty, but we made her wear my scarf around her face anyway, plus we like her to look mysterious. Is she laughing? Is she crying? Who knows! Also, I just realized that my nose makes an appearance in this pic. See if you can spot it...Ha!

Lil' E came for a visit and learned how to use the camera, by himself!
Awww, sweet brudder with lil' D = Sweetie pies.
Christmas came early when Cassie came up to deliver some goods. She spoiled us all! Isla was in heaven with all the new toys and played so hard she slept through the night and late into the morning. It was the best present I've ever received. ;-)

That night, Isla decided to whip out some new skills. Not only can she crawl super fast, but she now smiles on cue when the camera comes out. Only...sometimes it is a little intense. We like to call it her 'cheese' face. No lie. More pics to follow.
There were so many fantastic things happening in December this post needed too be split in two. That's what I get for slacking in the blogging department! Round 2 coming soon!